We have been really busy lately...with home and work...and adoption. Yep...we're expecting. A 14-year-old. He'll be 15 in November. And he's amazing. And we're thrilled...and nervous...and anxious.
Denis lives in Moldova. He goes to Internaut 2 (that's an orphanage). He loves math, science and reading. He loves to play what I think is a baritone. He's adorable. And I'm pretty sure that God wants him to be part of our family. He already is, really.
Denis, along with his friends Gleb and Yuri (that's the American spelling) have been our sponsor-kids for about 3 years. This year, when Jon and I visited Moldova, we both felt that God was asking us to make a bigger commitment to each other and to Him by being obedient. Even though we're not really even old enough to be Denis's caretakers. Even though we can't always balance the checkbook or keep up with the laundry (that's me), or always have a real dinner that doesn't consist of take out or cheese and crackers. We don't even know if Denis will end up in our home. We do know, though, that if we're obedient in taking the step, we're doing what He wants us to. And that makes us pretty excited.
Yesterday, I was walking out of the movie theater, and there were all of these kids, and I automatically thought, "wow. I'm going to have one of those really soon. YAY!" Crazy, huh?
So anyway...just wanted to keep you posted. We're adopting.