i realized that i miss the release i feel when blogging. also: for those of us that grew up wanting to be writers...it's the closest we might come. if i don't blog, i'm giving away that one shot i have for now. so...
rollercoaster. that's the only way to describe it.
i need you to pray for my daddy. about 4 months ago, my dad looked as healthy as a horse. seriously. he lamented about the fact that people didn't "know" he had cancer and when they saw him on the street, they would say, "jim, you look so good! i thought you had cancer!" and he would say, "yeah, but i don't feel good at all!"
well...his "wish" came true. because of all the chemo and treatment, he looks sick. i'm pretty sure he'd agree with me. he's jaundiced and bloated and sick.
i believe my dad will be healed. but i've learned that it is harder for people to feel better when you look crummy. for this reason alone i pile on concealer :) please pray that my daddy's cancer will LEAVE his body. please pray that his jaundice will LEAVE. please pray that his bloating will LEAVE. and then...take care of your own body.
in other news: my place of business was flooded by the horrific May 2 flooding in Nashville. i have learned to use all that crazy teaching in crisis communications from OBU. who EVER would have thought that i would be fixing the hotline at 3 in the morning?? that's the kind of stuff you hope will never happen! i still have a job (thank the Lord!), and we are wading (pardon the pun) through the aftermath. i now office out of a double-wide trailer and my days are spent waiting and hoping for the day when the hotel will open.
jon is doing really well. he is on foreign soil...some of his favorite foreign soil of all time. he is in moldova caring for orphans. oh, that we could all be so fortunate.
dennis is doing even better. he (again) logged straight a's. he netted an internship with NPR that he promptly turned down (another post for another day). he is working away at blue coast burrito and is quite the skilled fish taco maker. his mother (that would be me) hopes that he becomes a chef.
who knows what the future holds? well...God. that's who. because we're pretty sure we have NO idea. and we're excited about whatever that entails.