Monday, July 14, 2008

a little alone time...

tonight i did the following:
- ate udon noodles with wreckless abandon.
- watched gossip girl with no apologies.
- gave the puppies a greenie...and a treat.
- sat out in my backyard talking to one of my best friends.

i count it a good day. i miss my husband, and my son. i don't like this much responsibility. but, man. do i love udon noodles.

1 comment:

hannah said...

you, clint and noodles. ya'll should have a noodle date night. he wants noodles every single night. if i didn't know better, i'd think he was asian.

glad to know about the hershey's sticks. you're right. there is nothing better than frosting after pizza. next time you come into town, we're going to larry's pizza. they have a peanut butter chocolate pizza that is to die for.

greenies are expensive. your dogs live in luxury. my husband...the dentist...the person who doesn't eat sugar...who brushes his teeth like five times a day...won't buy greenies for his dog. a dog he swears will be stuffed like the one on scrubs when he passes.

but the greenies...too expensive..even for beloved stroker ace fulks.