Monday, June 1, 2009

happy endings...and such.

follow up to previous post: the painters finished on FRIDAY. that's 4 days. i'm not going to say it was hellacious...but maybe. after the toilet incident, there was the floor fixer.

the floor fixer put two...count them: two floor gashes (mwah ha ha) at a length of 6 inches in floorboards that were previously untouched by aforesaid flood. and covered them with a MAGIC MARKER. but thankfully he fixed it and the 6 inch holes in the wall and everything. and it's pretty. 

tonight is jon and kate plus eight. and i will be watching. whether i have to commandeer the tv in the living room or be relegated to the bedroom. because really...i need to know that they can work through their issues. 

dennis went to work today with a friend who cleans houses. dennis took one look at the house-to-be-cleaned's playroom which was, to say the least, a disaster, and said, "oh. i don't think jon and emily should have kids. they would not like this at ALL."

i have managed to project my obsessive compulsive tendencies on my son. 



hannah said...

i love these updates.

i can just hear you telling this to me over the phone. i miss you.

pratt wore a superman outfit tonight for the first time. and when i took it off him for the bath, i started sobbing hysterically. he is so big, emily.

love you. love that you have rubbed off on dennis. he is so, so lucky :)

Rebecca (Sam's wife) said...

so funny about the OCD comment...that made me laugh at work today!