Tuesday, August 19, 2008

one sick puppy

anyone that has kept up with our life before this blog started knows that we started our little family with the addition of two little puppies, max and maggie. they also know that we spoil them more than a little, and basically treat them like our children.

little maggie is sick. she couldn't walk on sunday night and couldn't hold her head up on monday morning. when we got her to the vet, they said that she had ingested something toxic. dr. bowling, our fabulous, schnauzer-owning vet, told us that things didn't look good.

i have spent the last couple of days in tears. i vascilate between playing out all the ways she could have gotten into something and fervently praying that she bounces back. it is not a good feeling.

she is improving (in my expert opinion). when we visited her last night, she wagged her tail (fabulous), held her head up for us and even drank some water (HUGE). we're still not totally sure she's going to make it, but i am comforted knowing she feels even a little better.

i struggled with knowing whether to pray for her healing. there are people all over the world that are suffering so much, i hate "wasting" a prayer. but as my wonderful mama told me, God made our little doggies just for us, and he's pretty OK with hearing our cries for help.

so, if you're of the same mind, please whisper a prayer for my little maggie. it would really mean a lot to me.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your girl... hope she gets better soon and I'll be thinking of you!

Julie H.

hannah said...

there is no way you're "wasting" prayers. i'll be thinking of you. i hate what you're experiencing. i know the feeling too well. a constant hurt. i'm so sorry emily.

you will all be in my prayers. and clint's too. if it were ace, he'd probably be unable to go to work.

we love you.