Monday, December 22, 2008

the ice man cometh

we're cuddled up in our living room. this morning, the little box next to the ticker on the today show said 9. that's 9 degrees. according to the newsman, that was the coldest reading since 1993. max wouldn't even go outside. he put on the skids about a foot out from the back door. i don't really blame him.

only instead of cuddling up sooner, we decided to take dennis to ICE! tonight. that means that after we waited outside in the ticket line in about 20 degree weather, we entered a building that stays at 9 degrees. the same temp that max balked at. i almost felt the same...almost.

i got the chance to hang out with my husband and son at one of the "coolest" places ever - my job. we got to see larger-than-life sculptures of the Grinch and the whos. before you could say "three sizes too small," my immigrant son had grabbed his phone to document the moment.

how fun. i have a "new" son to share the wonder of the season with. and a place to work that is, "the most christmassy resort in america." pretty neat, right?

so, for those that read this that aren't around nashville (because i know that those who are have been to ICE!, right?) the last room is the nativity. i love it. it's a life-size nativity carved completely out of ice. they tell an abbreviated version of luke's story of the birth of Christ, complete with spotlights that shine on the key-characters when it's their turn to "shine." how thankful i am that i have the opportunity to celebrate christmas. even though it looks a little different this year. even though i have NO IDEA how to please a teenager with gifts. even though, for the first time ever, my mom and dad have requested that we not exchange gifts. understandably.

thank you, God. for sending your son. for allowing him to become one of us. so that he would understand my that i would know that when i pray for peace, He would know exactly what i meant.


Anonymous said...

I so want to see that sometime! Several friends have been to ones at the different hotels. Looks so fun! Glad Dennis enjoyed it!

God has really been showing me this season that Christmas is about Him. I mean, I've grown up getting the whole "it's not the gift" thing (which sinks in sometimes,) but still hold on to the Christmas is about family, friends, traditions. However, while those are noble, God is impressing upon me that no, it's about the fact that he sent his son for my salvation and for a relationship with me.

God is good! Praying for your family during this time! So thankful for your mom's report!

Have fun with Dennis this year! So fun!

Kristen Black said...

Are you working at Opryland Hotel? What a fun job- marketing?! It is BEAUTIFUL at Christmas.

We are doing the same this year- just buying for the little kids. And having a birthday party for Jesus. Hope Dennis has a wonderful 1st Merryman Christmas:)