Monday, December 1, 2008

real thanksgiving

i don't have a whole lot of time to write this, but i had to update anyone who cares.

my mom doesn't have cancer! that felt so good to type. she has to have a little surgery, but that is OK with me. like she said..."we can handle anything, but that sure is easy to handle."

bless my parents. they deserve good news right now. 

we had a wonderful, last minute thanksgiving in arkadelphia. we drove down on thanksgiving. that confused dennis to no end...there was a parade on TV on the day before thanksgiving? since we were having our big lunch on friday, everyone stayed mixed up about what day it was.

i commandeered the kitchen and made a food network thanksgiving, which i must say i am very proud of. with help from paula, tyler and sunny, mixed with a little bit of me, i got a giant lunch on the table at 2. i had some help from my sous chefs.

dennis seemed to enjoy thanksgiving, but it was hard to explain the pilgrims and all that. he got thrown off by the weird hats. 

it is so good to be part of a family. i feel so very blessed that God has seen fit to bring us through all this. i feel honored that He felt ready to show us that our faith is secure. i feel unworthy of the test, but all the same, i know we will all come through this little time so much stronger together.

shout out to the gas guys, too. we got down to the delph and back for about $45. not bad at all. what bad economy?


Rebecca (Sam's wife) said...

so glad you got some good news about your mom.
yay for the gas!

katie said...

I am soo glad your mom got good news. I am praying for your family. Dennis sounds like so much fun. Next time you are in AR give us aclal. maybe we can hook up and get toghter.
Miss you and love you